Dota Hero Chen Holy Knight Story - Prophesying a new dawn, a new world cleansed of the old evils, the Holy Knight's entrance into the war against the Scourge forever changed the course of history. A crusader riding under the banner of Hextar, the Holy Knight promises ever-lasting glory and redemption for those who march with him, and obstacles ahead to test the faith of all those sworn to forever cleanse evil from the land. Fanatically devoted to his cause, his followers come from every race, every background, and will stop at nothing to see the Scourge destroyed. If ever the redeeming hand of God touched earth, its name was Chen, the Holy Knight.
To play Chen the Holy Knight, you need to at least: to know when to gank, to be able to control your creeps well in team battles, to keep an eye and literally on the minimap every non-engaging moment for your global heal.
Dota Hero Chen Holy Knight Skills
Read Chen Skills at Dota Allstars Wiki
Chen Holy Knight Skills Build
1 - Holy Persuasion
2 - Penitence
3 - Penitence
4 - Holy Persuasion
5 - Holy Persuasion
6 - Hand of God
7 - Holy Persuasion
8 - Penitence
9 - Penitence
10 - Test of Faith
11 - Hand of God
12 - Test of Faith
13 - Test of Faith
14 - Test of Faith
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Hand of God
17 - Stats
Chen, Holy Knight Items

Chicken: Since you are jungling and have low risks of getting killed, it is very unlikely for Chen to return to base early game so a chicken is a must.
Bracer: To make up for his weak early game HP.
Ring of Basilius: A must have item for Chen, it gives him everything he needs and benefits from it more than any other hero. It allows mana regeneration for creeps, which have none. By having mana regeneration in creeps, you need not send them back to fountain to restore their mana. Extra armor is always welcomed when tower diving and neutral creep tanking.
Mekansm: Allows constant neutral creeping when you have your desired creeps. Without Mekansm you have a harder time in spreading the damage across your army. With Mekansm, Hand of God will be your secondary heal instead. In addition, your persuaded creeps can tower dive more effectively.
Chen, Holy Knight Items (other Items)

Necronomicon: Necrobook is a good choice to get after your core items but it is usually inferior to Guinsoo. Because if you didn't do well when you bought the book, you will be a bottleneck late game. The time where you should get Necrobook over Guinsoo is when you are in a situation where your enemies are Skeleton King / 2 or more Hand of Midas users / NA, SA, BH, BeastM, Weaver, etc / having ward wars.
Guinsoo's Scythe: No doubt the best item for Chen late game. A 3 seconds disable + Penitence on a carry is no joke. An early void stone + Mek can guarantee a permanent hunt and creating constant pressure for enemies in neutral forests. Mana regeneration for Chen is important, it is necessary to have a constant large pool of mana to prepare for engages in forests/lanes and have a reliable global heal to help your ally across the map. His spells tax heavily on his mana pool mid game, usually exhausting almost all of it in engages.
Vladmir's Offering (Optional): This item is not meant for Chen and his creeps, partially maybe, but its not the main reason. It is used to help support your carry late game by granting them lifesteal ability. Since in late game, he does not need much items after Guinsoo, Vladmir's aura can help the carry on his survivability. Also, it is cheap and a natural upgrade to Ring of Basilius so why not?
Helmet of Dominator (Optional): I recommend to buy this only if your enemies have Hand of Midas. The extra creeps help but delaying Necrobook/Guinsoo by 2k is not advisable. It also pays off quite late because its cooldown is 6 minutes.

Wards: Chen benefits more from the extra sight than your allies as it serves as a tool to see the kind of creeps that spawned in the warded area. He is usually the most powerful hero in mid game if you got the right creeps. In order to make use of that strength, you gank unwary heroes, alone or with allies before you become less useful later. Be careful that improper placing of wards can hinder the spawns of neutral creeps.
The main purpose of Sentry Wards is to destroy enemy wards preventing spawns and observer wards that allows them to know your army is marching towards them. It is usually used in early game.
Creep Analysis Chen Holy Knight Strategies
Important Creeps
These creeps are most essential to playing Chen effectively, without any of them you have no intimidation power.
Dark Troll Warlord (Ensnare, Raise Dead) - It is the most important creep of your army but get only 1 of these.
Centaur Khan (Hoof Stomp, Endurance Aura) - You must have at least 1 of these in your army.
Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior (Thunder Clap) - Ursa is better than Centaur early game in most cases.
Other Creeps
These creeps are less important than the above. They are usually used for specific purposes.
Satyr Hellcaller (Shockwave, Unholy Aura) - Spamming of Shockwave on stacked (2 or more) neutral creeps and provide early regeneration aura.
Enraged Wildkin (Tornado) - Destroying stacked creeps with Tornado.
Alpha Wolf (Command Aura, Critical Strike) - Only useful in late game, stick one of them to your carry hero.
Satyr Soulstealer (Mana Burn)
Playing Chen Holy knight Tips, tricks and Walkthrough
- Press F1 and it highlights Chen.
- Double click on a stationary unit to select all units of the same type.
- Highlight unit(s), press Ctrl+[1 to 9] to set a control group.
- Highlight unit(s), press Shift+[1 to 9] to add unit(s) to a control group.
- Select a control group, Shift+[Left Click] unit's icon to deselect a unit from control group, but does not remove them from group.
- Use Tab to select unit types.
- Turn on creep display in the minimap with Alt+R.
- If a neutral camp cannot spawn because of wards, there will not be a green dot appearing when the clock hits the minute mark.
- Watch out for engages in the minimap so you can use your heal in time.
- Be sure to toggle your formation to "scattered" instead of "packed". This way your creeps will not move at a slower speed.
There is no direct counter to Midas but it is not an effective counter for the holder either because he needs to waste some time to find and reach you and Transmute your creeps.
Poor Creep Spawns:
Get Necronomicon.
Get Helmet of Dominator.
Focus on clearing high level creep camps.
In a competitive game, assuming you are jungling at home ground, buy a set of sentry wards at the start of game.
Chen Gameplay Mistakes
Everyone is not perfect, there will defintely be some mistakes here and there. But these are some common mistakes even in top level plays. Of course, I'm guilty too.

Never ever forget the presence of the Earthshaker, even when he's dead. He can buy back and surprise you. If you and your team are not observant, his ultimate can screw the entire team up. Being perceived a weak, fragile and sissy HP hero, Chen will be taken out first with the almighty Echo Slam. Once you are dead, there are no heals no penitence no centaurs no cheese to help your team.

I have no clue why people would want to deny their persuaded creep after killing a creep camp unless they found an obviously better replacement and not wanting to hurt it. It hinders your progress. I cannot think of any advantages of it, maybe it helps you feel better when you backstab your ally? I don't know. But I find this mistake present in almost every Chen replay.

Another error - not organising your creeps before and during engages.
You should always have your creeps in front of you before engages. Otherwise it will be a pain in the ass to disable your prey. If it's too far, even Penitence's slow won't help.
Throughout your games as Chen, there will be a few times where your prey is a blink type hero like Puck, PotM, QoP, AM. So obviously you should micro a lone stunner to guard the escape route. But it's hard to execute fast unless you practise. So here's the cheat sheet, to me and some people at least.
Let's say I have Chen, Troll, Centaur, Centaur in group 1 (Ctrl+1). There's a QoP farming and screaming away in a lane and I want her dead. I decide to have a Centaur to stun her so I press Shift+[Left Click] on the Centaur icon. Micro your army to scare the enemy and then click on the lone centaur and order it to move to the escape route. Then...go figure.

If Balanar is the Night Stalker then Chen is the Holy Stalker. Once night falls, if your enemies don't have wards or stick together they are crushed. Night is always a friend to gankers like Chen. Once the timer turns night, move your army across the river to the other side of neutral creeps area. Be careful not to be seen. Most likely the enemies farming at the other side won't have a clue that doom is looming. Even better, there might be some heroes neutraling and thus low on HP. The surprise factor that enemies still think you are at the original neutral creeps area will net you gold, money and increase your ego. Do it stealthily and you will yield unexpected results.

Perhaps the most fatal mistake. Chen users are too absorbed into microing their creeps that they don't take note of their hero's HP, especially sudden attacks from heroes breaking their invisibility.
For example you are Scourge, hiding in Sentinel neutral camps planning to ambush Sentinel's Zeus at middle river. You will be hit by the tower's attacks when you rush to Zeus. It is likely that he will throw everything at you before dying and pulls you red HP. This situation probably wouldn't happen if you cancel your hero's attack animation and moving Chen away from tower, when Zeus is trapped by the stuns.
Chen Holy Knight Controlling Neutral Creeps Video
20 Comments yet..:
Is chens 4 centaur not an option?
vlads? ;p
i'm using vlads in chen also if u use him everytime u woll figure it out what's the use of it ^_^
i get 3 centaurs
then kill every hero till godlike
my build:
Chen is GAY!
use furbolgs as many as u can transmute, for just 1 cngle blow of its thunderclap these many transmuted furbolg's skill will stack at AOE damge 2 d trget wid shiva's gard nd guinsoo cuirass radiance meknsm....ummmmmmm.... devasting... cxcxcd
how would i use vlad cause it is not too useful to chen, wasting a space to use so i will change it into a another much useful item
...........i think scepter important..the gay cd of his ulti..wif meka........gonna b a healing feast
sigh hate noobs who think they know how to play dota.
chen item build -
-ring of bas
-bracers (optional, depending if opponent team has nukes)
and thats pretty much what u need for chen .... and should end the game before it goes late game... zzz
YOU GET +Dmg and +Armor (optional)
this hero like shit..when i play,,it will lag..hahahaha..if i play another hero,nothing hapen..this hero like dog..dog like u all..
Yooo... anonymous above,vlads is good if you are playing a support,like if you have a Troll Warlord creep you can use the net and vlads to help your allies and creeps... Geeeezzz i thought you knew that!
I play chen when i feel to support the team.
from the start of the game i'm only at the neutrals and also finding my big 3 neuts.Centaur,Satyr and Alpha wolf,
skill build.
lvl 1 : Holy persuasion
lvl 2 : Penitence
lvl 3 : Holy persuasion
lvl 4 : Penitence
lvl 5 : Holy persuasion
lvl 6 : Hand of God
lvl 7 : Holy persuasion
lvl 8 : Penitence
lvl 9 : Penitence
lvl 10 : Test of faith
lvl 11 : Hand of god
lvl 12-14 : Penitence
lvl 15 : Stats
lvl 16 : Hand of god
lvl 17-25 : Stats
Item build:
Vladimirs - so that your neutrals won't get killed and you can stay at the neuts as long as u like.bonus damage aura,lyfsteal for melee and mana regen for your neuts.
Mekanism - i think you don't need to ask why meka?
Arcane boots - for mana not only for you also for your neuts.
Assault Cuirass - don't need to ask again.
Guinsoo - fast mana regen and disable.
Aghanims Scepter - 30 secs cooldown on ultimate.
Remember i play chen as a support.check the items and see the status of allied heroes,neutrals of chen.
This Is My Item Build For Chen :
Early Up:
Ring Of Basillus
Either Go Arcane Boots Or BOT ,As Per Ur Need.
Then get A Aghanims
With Aghanim + Meka. Theres no etter Support. 30 sec ulti cd.imba
I Generally avoid Lifesteal ,Specially Vlads.Spending Cash just So Ur Creeps Can live Longer Makes No sense if u make meka
then ward ward ward ward ward
gank gank gank....
thats a supports job..
i think Maelstorm is good for chen.
YEah its good for him
mek and arcane boot is all you need most games
wards and tps
bracer if you really need the HP
after that, either agh's or guinsoo depending on the situation. guinsoo better if you are being focused, agh's if you are not.
as for creeps, don't forget blue ogres for their frost armor or kobold taskmasters for their speed aura. if you are not finding great creeps, it is a good idea to have one of these in your pack (especially the ogre)
I Use Chen as a killer.
When it gets to lvl.8 with dagon lvl2-4.
it's a one hit k/o.
Penitence then Dagon and Lastly Test of Faith.
Penitence Adds More Damage Amplification to the Targeted Hero.
Then Use Dagon To Shorten The Hero's HP
Then Test of Faith.
Test of Faith Reaches High Damage When Enemy Heroes HP Goes 450 Below.
So Chen Is Also A Killer When Devote Time To Master It.
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