Authors: Danat & DonTomaso

- Fixed some bugs related to detecting the replay
- Now you don't need to press Enter to confirm the desired time entered in the textbox.
- Added support for plugins.
- You can change the speed of the replay from 1/32x to 31x or make it run "as fast as possible".
- You can specify the position in the replay that you want to reach, and ReplaySeeker will quickly fast-forward replay to that position, pausing the replay when done and playing a sound (to notify you). Note that this works while Warcraft is minimized, which allows you to do something else during the process (like browsing the forums).
- Rewinding is supported but by restarting the replay and then fast-forwarding to the specified position, so it's not an actual rewind. You can always check whether the replay will be restarted or not by looking at the "sync solution" field.
- Fixed some bugs related to detecting the replay
- Now you don't need to press Enter to confirm the desired time entered in the textbox.
- Added support for plugins.
Since this program is written in C#, you need to have .NET Framework 2.0 installed on your computer (see link below).
.Net Framework 2.0 download page (dotnetfx.exe - 22,4 mb)
Some programs install FW2.0 automatically in order for them to work, so you might already have it installed on your pc.
For Vista Users:
To run this tool in Vista without any errors you must right click the exe and from the dropdown menu select "Run as administrator".
Simple Camera (by DonTomaso).
A plugin that allows you to control the camera in Warcraft 3 without restrictions.
RSExtensions (by DonTomaso).
A plugin that prevents the replay of pausing when you unfocus the window (alt+tab), when not fast-forwarding.
NOTE: To use this plugins you need to copy the .dll file to the Plugins folder of the ReplaySeeker. For e.g. C:\Warcraft 3\Replay Seeker v0.9\Plugins
43 Comments yet..:
omg upload in other server. :S
Great tool.. Thanks
Would be nice if it had possible to faster sync when your file contains 17 hours of Replay and need the last bit of it :)
i had to wait 500 seconds to download a small file like this... please do put it on another server -.-!
i cant run it in version 1.24c help pls how can i do?¿? :/
why so much wait , please upload on other servers like megaupload and mediafire ->the best
Thanks dota utilities =D!
try usiong mega upload ofc if easy share doesnt pay u that much -,- . . . its really easier :(
i put the simple camera plugin on plugin folder... and when i start replay seeker what i must do to use simple camera? plz tell me if you know.... and sorry for my bad english:/
does his still work in 1.24e?
Other host please :(
you loose so much downloads when people have to wait 5 minutes..
yo when i open my warcraft replay and open the replay seeker with simple camera it says unhandle exception has occured and it says continue and it comes up again i am vista user i use 1.24d plzz help me i rly need this!
i have to wait 500 seconds for this please upload from another sever
yay i gotta wait 20 minutes lol
Please upload to another server,thanks.
Everything was in 1sec >.>
15 minutes . EPIC OMG LOOOL O.O too much dude . upload on another server xDD
its not that big file to wait for that time.....!
ya really anoying
when it neeeds to w8 gor such a small file
10x . right click and run as administrator in vista or win7 . hf
put the fcking file in
Please put it into another server like mediafire..
I had to wait 18 min..
wtf i will wait 20mins .....
buy premium accs xD LOL
WTF I WAIT 1 SEC!! :D buy net tards
plz say some thing i dwonload it then it says eror
cannot install on a 64-bit operating system
the product is not supported on 64-bit operating system !!!
setup will now exit
plz some 1 say some thing
WTF I can'T run this program... Everytime I open it " it said's "Error cant' handle Execption" anyone can help how can I solve this problem
Those who are saying 1 sec downloading, IT'S THE FIRST FILE YOU DOWNLOAD. When you download ur second file it's 15 min.
puck!!! why its have problem when im using it!! JIT problem T_T
So,a hint for you : When you dowload anything of croco, stop your internet conection and close the page, conect again and dowload with the minimous time to wait =) thank you, sorry for the english, I'm braziliam =P
i waited 1 hour to download this file..zzz
wtf it is waiting for 1 hour
ahahahaha first i thought - lucky me, i had to wait 1.35 mins :P
now i think, OMG what the hell is up with this captcha!!! And it's just downloading webpages instead of a file, yes, not a page but pages!!! lot of webpages -_- gee... the pages, the styles and everything but this stupid file!!!
this is just a joke... zzz
1 hour sad can downloading a file be...zzzzzz
Yea 1 hour... SAAAAD
how can i use it?
For those of you having problems running this, try right-clicking the Application and selecting "Run as Administrator." It fixed one of my problems, it may help you.
wft cant dowmload this file upload in other server!!
Replay seeker is crap. It almost always crash Warcraft. Better to wait a bit longer and watch replay without problems, than use this crappy program that crash W3.
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