* Improved Magic Stick a little
12 charges max, 12 HP and 12 mana/charge --> 10 charges max, 15 HP and 15 mana/charge (Don't stack with ally anymore)
* Slightly reduced gold cost on Dust of Appearance
190 gold --> 180 gold
* Slightly Improved Death Prophet's base movement speed
280 --> 285
* Improved Lucifer's cast animation point
0.5 --> 0.3
* Lowered Admiral Proudmoore's starting Strength
24 --> 21
* Slightly reduced slow duration and increased manacost on Torrent
Slow duration: 2/3/4/5 seconds --> 1/2/3/4 seconds
Manacost: 105 mana --> 120 mana
* Tweaked the scaling of Tidebringer's AOE
425/450/475/500 AoE --> 380/420/460/500 AoE
* Nerfed Untouchable a bit
30/50/70/90% reduction --> 20/40/60/80% reduction
Well, this change hopefully make the game more balance :)
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