warcraft3-tft-roc-cd-key-changer.zip (mirror 1)
• Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne/Reign Of Chaos Installed.
• Warcraft 3 Registry must be created. If you don't have it, make it using Lesco's Warcraft Tools.
• Download Warcraft 3 ROC/TFT CD Key Changers.
• Extract the files anywhere.
• Start the appropriate CD Key changer.
- If you wanna change Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne CD Key. Run FTKey.exe
- If you wanna change Warcraft 3 Reign Of Chaos CD Key then run cdkey.exe
• After running the program, Now click change CD Key.
• Enter your name and your Warcraft 3 TFT/ROC CD Key.
• Your Warcraft 3 CD Key will be changed.
• Enjoy.
19 Comments yet..:
does it work on battle.net?
this is patch all
First Blood
warcraft 3 roc cd keychanger doesnt work
same... roc dont work(
^^ lost my key doesn't help to change
they both work just used them
Roc doesn`t work ;S
so if my cd key got disabled then i used the tft changer and it lets me use a new one and i can go on b.net?
it can only work if the cd key is activated
you need reg fix if it doesnt work...google it
A way to duplicate your RoC or TfT cd-key:
Step 1.
Get an original CD-Key from the back of your CD case. Make sure your CD-Key is original and bought from a legit store in order to duplicate a Warcraft CD-Key available for Battle net.
Step 2.
There is an old unused code that Blizzard uses to send people their CD-Key if they lose them. So while scanning the server i have found it. the code used to recover people their CD-Keys was hard to find but i have found it and the email address is blizzardmoderator@yahoo.com
Here is the code that you must email to the address above to duplicate your warcraft III CD-Key.
The subject must be:
Cd key recovery
And in the email this code should be input exactly like this or it will not work.
#no.38492$$code "Your Reign Of Chaos CD key"548#
#servident6254code% "Your The Frozen Throne CD key"153#
You must replace the stuff in " " to what it says and dont make any mistakes or you would get an invalid response. And do not repeatedly do this over and over or they will suspect you. just give it a break sometimes. This is how there are so many people on bnet and everyone has their own bot.
If you have any questions just add it as a comment.
And there you have it hacking blizzard is easy!
Good luck and have fun!
Hah, it's old scam, tell us how many dumbasses sent yer keys to you;P
Nice new pc games and purchase more games in the same budget.
RoC doesn't work
can somebody tell me how togive me the change the cd key
give me the guides please
give me the steps on how to change the cd key
please give me a cd key of dota1 charles_amp69@yahoo.com email me
dota!! dota!!
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