Lesco's Warcraft Toolkit LWT, is a pack of utilites which conatins:-
LWT Download:

• Run this program as administrator if you are running it on Windows 7/Vista. (Right-click LWT, run as administrator).
• Inventory hotkeys feature will remap your keys even on chat, if you find it annoying, you can use Warkey++.
1. HP (Hitpoints) Viewer.
2. Disables desktop switching keys like: WindowsKeys, Alt+tab etc.
3. Battle.net server status/ping tool.
4. Allows you to make Warcraft 3 registries entries (InstallPath).
5. Inventory hotkeys.
6. Easy to use.
LWT Download:
lescowt.zip (mirror 1)

• Run this program as administrator if you are running it on Windows 7/Vista. (Right-click LWT, run as administrator).
• Inventory hotkeys feature will remap your keys even on chat, if you find it annoying, you can use Warkey++.
19 Comments yet..:
why don't work to garena?
it works perfectly...
why it dont work on garena?
it works in garena...
i use it always...
y dont u guys start learing hw to use warkeys n quit all dese toolkit... warkeys rawks.. it has it all...
Why it not work on windows 7
can some1 tell how to activate it???on garena and all...
Warkey++ not working for my vista lol????
sometimes doest work on garena.. why?
YO IT IS AWESUM easy to do but only from inventory keys ;(
is it compatible for windows vista and windows7???
if it is for windows 7 run as administrator .
100% it will works perfectly
sorry for bad english
Windows XP can't use LWT keys ?
it works on garena u needs to run it as administrator first.
it works in GARENA.. just run it as admin and puff.... it became coco crunch..
uSing mouse 2 and run as admin ! i am sure it puff like a coco crunch as my upper said~ :D
right click on lwt icon
then click rum as administrator
set keys and activate
it's working now
right click on lwt icon
then click rum as administrator
set keys and activate
it's working now
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